Thursday, October 26, 2006


we had a rad discussion at home group last night about the gospel and i thought i'd bring it up here. we're reading donald miller's "searching for god knows what" and his chapter entitled "the gospel of jesus" sparked our discussion. the question of choice was "what does jesus ask for?" or "what does it take to inherit eternal life?" or if someone says, "i want to become a christian", what is it they need to know/do/believe? those might all be the same question or they might be totally different. thoughts? ideas? responses? holla at me.


Blogger Joe Gordon said...

This seems to be the question of the hour! Must one be a "disciple" of Christ to be saved?

I came to "know" Christ by reading the NT. Prior to my conversion I thought I was cool with Christ. After reading the NT without any direction from anyone (was this bad?) I discovered that Jesus demanded more from me than intellectual assent. Yet, what does one need to "know" to be saved. Or, a better question would be, what does one need to believe/feel to be saved? Where does my will truly lie?

What do you think?

10:40 AM  
Blogger Parrot1540 said...

Joe...define "feel" and define "believe" and define "intellectual assent". Are the the same? Different? Overlap? No overlap? That might help us continue the discussion...

12:46 PM  

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