Monday, December 11, 2006


So don't hold me to any of this, I'm just rambling.

I've been thinking about the corporate worship gathering. I've been thinking about it in general terms but, for somanorth, this is the Sunday evening gathering that happens at North campus. So, here's my question: read Acts 2:42-47. I dig videos and cool music and hip multi-media stuff, but does that really have eternal value? Intrinsically, no. Insofar as that it communicates the Word of God, maybe. However, when we gather as a body, what place does "cool" have? Or even pop culture? As a wise man once said, "The things of substance, that which changes lives, rarely costs money-- it requires time, energy, and commitment to Christ's high calling. It costs us our lives." How then does that change what we do on Sundays? How then does that change how I look at the Sunday gathering? Or does it?

I would honestly LOVE to hear your thoughts on this one...