Monday, January 22, 2007

Render Caesar what's Caesar's...

Tax time baby. And the fact that I'm thinking about it means I'm way ahead-- and proud of it. I think it was Phoebe Buffet (from Friends, of course) that said: "Who is this FICA person and why are they taking all my money?" Let's be honest, none of us are really huge fans of somebody else (even if that someone is the federal government) taking what we've earned. But here's the thing, Jesus said to render Caesar what's Caesar's. Peter wrote, "Submit yourselves, for the Lord's sake, to every authority instituted among men." I might add, "even the federal government." Now I know that it's easy to excuse ourselves and say, "It's not really a person, it's an institution. Plus, they take too much anyway. Plus, they can't manage it, look at the deficit. Plus, blah, blah, blah..." Regardless, it's time that way allow God's word to permeate every part of our life, not just the easy stuff. We'll talk about downloading music and illegally burning DVD's next week.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, you could look at this from a different perspective. Since this is a Nation run by the people (we elect who's in office), technically, that money goes right back to us. It paves OUR roads and pays OUR military to protect us. But that also makes us accountable for how we run our government... so maybe we should do everything we can to make sure it's run in a Godly way.

8:59 AM  

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