Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I honestly don't get it...

Are you kidding me? In case you can't see it, in the forefront the image bears the likeness of what seem to be two members of the clergy (see sweet clergy garb that they don). They sure seem to love that Bible. But that's not just any Bible, it's the NIV translation of the Bible (I didn't say I was Sherlock Holmes) that they are presenting with pride. But wait, oh no...what's that behind them? Could it be...Satan (say this with Dana Carvey's church lady voice and lots and lots of reverb)? It IS Satan! And he's got his menacing claws wrapped around MY pastor...that is, of course, if my pastor uses the NIV. Satan's toothless mouth is agape with glee and it even seems like his tiny little horns are celebrating that there is not ONE "Thou art" or "Thine" anywhere in the book they hold. Is that Pastor Legion there on the right and Wormwood on the left? Have they partnered with Beelzebub himself to create a more readable version Scripture so that it has more opportunity to change me? Listen, I own a New International Version of the Bible. I also own a KJV and a NKJV and a NASB and a ESV and The Message and a New Living Bible and an Amplified Bible and a NRSV and a One Year Bible and 4 study Bibles and concordances and dictionaries and commentaries galore-- and that's just what's in my office. But this makes me wonder if I ought to slim my collection down and the NIV would be the first to go. I thank you, average artist who hates the NIV for no good reason, for freeing up some room on my shelf for a New World Translation. Peace and I'm out.