Here's the deal, I'm going to try to post more often. No one really reads this, but I'm going to post more often anyway. So, here's what I'm thinking about today...
what is repentance? does it imply that one's life/behavior has changed, or does it simply mean grief or sorrow over sin? what comes first, repentance or faith? are they the same? are they different? is repentance a requirement for salvation or does salvation generate repentance? when Jesus says, "repent and believe", what, exactly, does he expect his hearers to do/feel/think? change their mind about sin or act differently or say, "i'm sorry" or feel differently? and, if repentance is simply a change of mind, does that change of mind necessarily imply a change of behavior? for example, could i "change my mind" about the importance of saving money but stilll not save? and, if it does imply a change of behavior, what happens when someone says, "i repent" but then there is no behavior change? (i.e. what about the person who says, "once i thought saving money was lame, now i think it's of utmost importance, but i still don't do it."? does that demonstrate a lack of repentance initially or a turn from repentance eventually? help me out here...