Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's a matter of distribution...

I had lunch with my buddy Greg yesterday and he brought up an old conversation that is worth revisiting on a regular basis. The general question is this: "What's up with world hunger?" The more specific questions are a little more convicting: "Why do I spend $20 a week on coffee? How is it that I go to a restaraunt, eat 'till I'm stuffed, have a dessert, and still throw away a good portion of food? Do I ever think about (honestly) what I can do to help? Do I ignore significant issues like this one because it's just easier that way?" and so on and so forth. I'm not saying that Starbucks and Cheescake Factory are wrong (in fact, I'm sipping a Starbucks coffee as I jot this blog), but those seem like good questions to ask don't you think?

Let me drop this on ya: some of you reading this may already know this but some may not. For those who don't, did you know that there are enough resources in the world to feed every last one of us? In other words, starvation and world hunger do not come from a lack of resources but from an unequal distribution of resources.

For me, this is the bottom line: Am I part of the problem or part of the solution? Facing that question head on and impartially is not what I wanted to do with my Thursday...


Blogger Parrot1540 said...

This may sound trite, but I think it can be helpful. I mentioned it in my blog, but I think the bottom line question is: Am I part of the solution or part of the problem? In other words: do I raise awareness? do I car pool when I can? do I give a portion of money to organizations that are working for a solution? do I volunteer? do cultivate compassion in my own heart? do I pray? do I invite others to participate with me? do I get my hands dirty serving others? and lots and lots of other questions...

It's just like a lot of things I guess, I can't wave a magic wand and make it all better, but I can do my part.

1:02 PM  

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