Monday, November 06, 2006

Food poisoning sucks.

In case you were confused or just plain unaware, food poisoning really, really sucks. I woke up yesterday morning about 3 am. Let's stop there and gain perspective, shall we? I have seen 3 am because I've been "up until..." a thousand times..."Up at"? That's a totally different story. So, because I was, in fact, "up at" 3 am is cause for concern to begin with. I didn't feel good-- I really, really did not feel good at all. I was nauseous and I thought, "If I just lie here very still and quiet, I'll sleep it off." 10 minutes later I walked out of the master bedroom where I should have been sleeping and into the guest bathroom only to emerge moments later having officially "puked my brains out". I thought, "Good, now that that's over, I'll get back to bed and get plenty of sleep." I must have been delusional. Not an hour later (and no sleep at all might I add), I'm up out of bed again, out of the master, into the guest bathroom, and...well, you get the drift. I pretty much barfed all day-- finished up about 5-- wa-hoo! What a day.

More than anything, I missed being at church last night. I was really looking forward to studying those passages-- Jude, Philemon, and 3 John. And, I was really looking forward to worship. Man, I was bummed. I also wanted to know what you all thought. I was looking forward to hanging out at dinner afterward and asking, "What'd ya think?" to anyone and everyone. Soooo, what'd ya think? I'd love to hear from you. Shoot me an e-mail if you were at soma last night and let me know how it went. See ya next week...I hope.


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